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Membuat Gambar Humanoid Animal Dengan AI
November 21, 2024

Membuat Gambar Humanoid Animal Dengan AI

Bagi anda yang ingin memanimasi seorang karakter berwujud humanoid animal atau menyerupai hewan dengan tampilan yang menarik seperti pada contoh gambar diatas. Di bawah ini adalah rincian prompt yang lengkap beserta unsur-unsur yang mungkin digunakan sebagai acuan.

Prompt Lengkap

A hyper-realistic depiction of a humanoid predator inspired by a [zebra], standing on a rocky cliff illuminated by the soft light of the moon. The character has sleek and agile anatomy, with detailed fur that resembles the texture of a [zebra]’s mane and a toned, proportional body. Their sharp golden eyes gleam with intelligence and focus, capturing a lifelike intensity. The humanoid wears simple, realistic fabric garments adorned with hand-carved ethnic symbols, with the texture and folds of the material clearly visible. The camera is zoomed out, capturing the character’s full body from head to feet, standing firmly on the rugged, detailed rocky terrain. The background shows a starlit sky and moonlight illuminating the scene, with the wind realistically ruffling their cloak and creating a majestic atmosphere.

Unsur-unsur yang ada pada prompt

  • Gambaran
    Prompt : A hyper-realistic depiction of a humanoid predator inspired by a [zebra], standing on a rocky cliff illuminated by the soft light of the moon.

  • Karakter
    Prompt : The character has sleek and agile anatomy, with detailed fur that resembles the texture of a [zebra]'s mane and a toned, proportional body.

  • Pakaian
    Prompt : The humanoid wears simple, realistic fabric garments adorned with hand-carved ethnic symbols, with the texture and folds of the material clearly visible.

  • Mata
    Prompt : Their sharp golden eyes gleam with intelligence and focus, capturing a lifelike intensity.

  • Lingkungan
    Prompt : The camera is zoomed out, capturing the character's full body from head to feet, standing firmly on the rugged, detailed rocky terrain.

  • Latar Belakang
    Prompt : The background shows a starlit sky and moonlight illuminating the scene, with the wind realistically ruffling their cloak and creating a majestic atmosphere.

  • Posisi
    Prompt : Standing on a rocky cliff illuminated by the soft light of the moon.

  • Waktu
    Prompt : The soft light of the moon.

  • Kesan
    Prompt : Creating a majestic atmosphere.

Hasil Generate

Karakter binatang pada prompt dapat diubah didalam "[ ]", bisa dilihat pada prompt lengkapnya. Sehingga bisa menghasilkan karakter gambar yang bervariasi tanpa mengubah konsepnya. Jika membutuhkan lebih banyak contoh prompt untuk generate gambar dengan AI bisa di lihat disini kumpulan prompt image.

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